We spend an incredible day this Sunday as the guests of the CUTS - Cambridge University Thai Society. We were joined by Ajahn Sukhacitto and Tan Suvijano from Amaravati Buddhist Monastery. They invited their teacher and some from Thai community to join. The students offered Dana for us in the university, and we offered our blessing in the form of chants and Dhamma talks. Luangpoh Sudhiro gave a very well received talk in Thai while Ajahn Sukhacitto gave one in English. Hundreds of pounds were raised for Buddha Metta as well. This was all in the name of celebrating the King of Thailand's birthday, but all of us knew it was even more special than that. For me personally, it was wonderful to be surrounded by so much youth who were interested in the Dhamma, living morally, and in finding inward and outward peace. May everyone benefit from the merit we created and shared on this day.